In the first year of development, a baby goes through many milestones such as holding his or her head up, rolling over, crawling, and walking. These present many opportunities that greatly benefit from a properly functioning nervous system and is important to ensure that the connections between the brain and body develop and function well. Healthy nervous system function can support the achievement of developmental milestones.
Our chiropractors have completed post graduate study in the examination and tchiropractic care of babies and children and is committed to the careful assessment and gentle correction of your child’s spine and neuro-musculo-skeletal system to support their healthy development.
After examining your child's history, our chiropractors will advise if chiropractic care could be an effective option. Sometimes it is necessary to refer to another health professional such as a GP, functional dentist, occupational therapist, lactation consultant or speech therapist to help manage or co-manage to achieve the best outcome for your child.
Newborn Examination & Adjustments
Assessment of Milestones into toddlerhood
Primitive Reflex Assessment & Integration